Request an Appointment
General Health

We offer multiple types of medical appointments. From preventive wellness visits (including sports physicals and immunizations) to acute illness to coordinating complex medical care, we work with families to help keep adolescents and young adults healthy.


Annual Wellness/Preventive Care

We recommend general “check-ups” once a year for all patients (whether with our office or your own primary care provider). This is often a covered health insurance benefit and includes:

• Review of medical history, immunizations, laboratory testing (if applicable)
• Update of chronic conditions and current medications
• Comprehensive health behavior screening (nutrition, body image, sleep, academic/work issues, relationships, mental health, sexuality concerns, risk behaviors)
• Developmentally appropriate patient and parent health educationWellness / Preventive care does NOT include diagnosing or treating new problems or adjusting treatment plans or medications for chronic conditions.

Acute Illness

Our providers care for most routine illnesses, including upper respiratory infections, sore throat, mononucleosis, headaches, simple rashes, fever, etc. We encourage our patients to call us prior to visiting urgent care or emergency facilities so that we may answer questions to most appropriately direct your care.

Coordinating Care for Chronic Conditions or Disabilities

Patients with chronic medical problems or developmental disabilities often require special care. Our schedules are arranged to allow prolonged initial consultations and follow up visits in order to best understand and meet your needs. We work actively with subspecialists to coordinate care through transition to adulthood.

©2024 Girls to Women/Young Men's Health & Wellness
Dallas : 972-733-6565   McKinney : 972-502-9099

Site By: Idealgrowth