For more information or to schedule a workshop, contact our Program Coordinator.
aMUSE Journey (Part 1) – Sterotypes & Friends
Stereotypes can hold girls back from achieving their dreams and can be hurtful. In this workshop we will explore what interests and skills each girl has to help them feel confident about their ability to try on any role that interests them now and in the future. Topics include: stereotypes, friendships, and “mean girls”. Girls will complete the Speak Out requirement for the Journey in this workshop. For more information or to schedule a workshop, contact our Program Coordinator.
aMUSE Journey (Part 2) – Beauty & Self Esteem
Girls explore what beauty means to them, how they see themselves, and define Real Beauty. Learn how a healthy body can support you in tackling life’s challenges and help you achieve any role that you choose. Topics include self esteem, body image, beauty, and healthy bodies. For more information or to schedule a workshop, contact our Program Coordinator.
Becoming A Teen
The journey girls will make to become a teenager is an exciting and challenging one. At Girls to Women we believe “She Only Grows Up Once”. This fun and interactive workshop will help girls identify people and resources to guide them on their journey. Girls will discover what to expect as their body changes and tips to help them develop daily rituals for skin and hair care. They will have an opportunity to connect with other girls as they discuss the new responsibilities that tweens face and if the media accurately portrays today’s tweens and teenagers. Topics include self esteem, body image, beauty, and healthy bodies. For more information or to schedule a workshop, contact our Program Coordinator.
Caring for Children
If you are trusted to watch young children, your most important job is to keep them safe. Keeping young children safe and happy requires lots of patience and good judgment. This workshop teaches some important child-care skills and reviews the responsibilities of babysitting so girls can decide if they would like to take a more in depth classes in the future.
Safety is first: learn first aid tips, what to do if the child becomes ill, when to call the parents, and when to call 911. Discover practical life skills that will help you learn what are the different developmental stages for babies, toddlers, and young children and is needed to assure that during each stage of development you know to keep them safe and happy. Learn to take action to assure that young children in your care are safe. Topics include self esteem, body image, beauty, and healthy bodies. For more information or to schedule a workshop, contact our Program Coordinator
©2024 Girls to Women/Young Men's Health & Wellness
Dallas : 972-733-6565 McKinney : 972-502-9099
Site By: Idealgrowth