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In The News

Including an article on gratitude by Adam Jaleel, an article about Imagining The Perfect Holiday by Pam Chin-Lai, MS, RD, LD, CEDRD, as well as an intro to the screenplay called "SCREEN PLAY".

Includes an editorial on being 'left out' titled "Let's Stop Social Engineering Now" by Lisa Barr, the Editor of GIRLilla Warfare. A highlight of the "You Grow Girl: Be Bold Be Brave Be You!" events.

May 2017 Newsletter


Includes an article by Susan Sugerman, MD, MPH titled "#YOUWOULDNTUNDERSTAND", an overview of bridging the communication gap. How to speak so your child will hear. As well as an article by Pam Chin-Lai, MS, RD, LD, CEDRD titled "Poop Happens, Usually" tackling constipation and constipation relief strategies.

Includes a "Conversation About Eating Disorders" by Pam Chin-Lai, MS, RD, LD, CEDRD. As well as "Is breakfast the most important meal of the day? The short answer - yes." by Casey Bonano, RD, LD.

Includes "New Year Resolutions FOR Teens" by Rebecca Prengler, MD. As well as tips to overcome a mid-afternoon slump by drinking water.

©2024 Girls to Women/Young Men's Health & Wellness
Dallas : 972-733-6565   McKinney : 972-502-9099

Site By: Idealgrowth